Власть в ночном городе. Книга 4: Сила (1 сезон) смотреть на Лордфильм

James Saint-Patrick always had big dreams of owning a successful nightclub, but unfortunately, his financial situation proved to be a major obstacle. In order to make ends meet and provide for his family, he turned to the dangerous world of drug dealing. This choice ultimately led to his untimely demise at the hands of unknown assailants. Known as "Ghost" in the streets, his legacy continued on through his business partner and close friend, Thomas Egan. Egan, who also went by the nickname "Tommy" in the criminal underworld, inherited Ghost's drug empire and became the godfather to Ghost's children. However, his life took a drastic turn when he became a wanted man for the murder of his friend and business partner. With the constant threat of being caught by the police, Egan made the difficult decision to fake his own death and leave behind everything and everyone he ever knew. Hopping into his Mustang, Egan left New York and headed to Los Angeles to start a new life under a new identity. Leaving behind his friends and loved ones was heart-wrenching, but he knew it was necessary in order to stay alive and out of prison. Egan's journey to reinvent himself in the City of Angels was not an easy one, but he persevered and eventually found success in the glamorous city. As Egan settled into his new life, the memories of his past continued to haunt him. He couldn't shake off the guilt and remorse he felt for the mistakes he made in his former life. Despite his success, he longed for the simplicity and innocence of his past before he got involved in the dangerous world of drugs. But he knew that he could never go back to that life and had to keep moving forward. In the years that followed, Egan built a new empire in Los Angeles, but he never forgot where he came from and the people he left behind. He often wondered about the fate of Ghost's children and hoped that they were able to escape the same fate that he and their father had suffered. Egan's past continued to catch up with him, as he faced new obstacles and threats in his new life as a respected businessman. Despite all the challenges and struggles he faced, Egan never lost sight of his ultimate goal – to have a successful nightclub and leave behind his criminal past for good. With hard work, determination, and a little bit of luck, Egan was able to turn his dream into a reality. And as he stood in his fully-owned nightclub, surrounded by loyal friends and loved ones, he knew that he had...

Власть в ночном городе. Книга 4: Сила (1 сезон) смотреть онлайн

1 сезон

Сериал Власть в ночном городе. Книга 4: Сила (1 сезон) доступен для онлайн-просмотра на платформе Лордфильм, предоставляющей возможность насладиться захватывающим сюжетом в хорошем качестве. Удобство просмотра без регистрации и дополнительных оплат позволяет каждому зрителю легко погрузиться в атмосферу сериала. После просмотра зрители могут оставить отзывы и комментарии на Lordfilm, что помогает другим пользователям оценить сериал и обменяться мнениями. Власть в ночном городе. Книга 4: Сила (1 сезон) доступен онлайн на любых устройствах — от компьютеров до мобильных гаджетов под управлением iOS и Android, включая iPhone и iPad. Для любителей большого экрана также предоставляется возможность просмотра на телевизорах в формате HD, что обеспечивает комфортный просмотр и отличное качество изображения!

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