Ход королевы (1 сезон) смотреть на Лордфильм

The life of a young girl, Elizabeth Harmon, took a dramatic turn when she became an orphan after losing a loved one in a tragic car accident. She was forced to live in an orphanage, where she grew up as an introverted and reserved child, keeping her memories, experiences and fears buried deep inside. She was afraid of what the future held for her, as it seemed unknown and uncertain. Years later, Elizabeth discovered the game of chess and was immediately captivated by its complexities. With determination, she convinced a member of the orphanage staff to teach her how to play. As she delved deeper into the world of chess, she found solace and escape from her troubled past. One day, a couple arrived at the orphanage to adopt Elizabeth. Although they seemed morally upright due to their Christian beliefs, they showed no warmth towards the girl. She was apprehensive about starting a new life with them, but she had no choice. During their journey home, the woman told Bet that having an adult daughter was a blessing, hinting at their expectations from her. Once they reached their house, the woman gave Bet a tour, showing her the bedroom that was prepared for her. Despite the lack of genuine affection, Bet appreciated the effort and felt a sense of belonging in her new room. The next morning, Bet overheard her new parents arguing, and she learned that they already had a child. Meeting her classmates at her new school proved to be unpleasant for Bet as well. Her love for knowledge intimidated her peers, but she remained undeterred and determined to pursue her passion. Bet was delighted to discover that her school had a chess club, and she eagerly joined. Despite the challenges she faced as an adopted child, Bet found joy in the little things and was grateful for her talent in chess. However, she couldn't escape the memories of her past, particularly the traumatic event of her mother drowning in front of her. But despite the pain and turmoil, Bet held onto her talent and became a champion in the game of chess. She used her gift as a way to cope with her past and to create a brighter future for herself. Bet's journey is a reminder that even in the midst of hardships and heartache, there can be moments of joy and opportunities for growth and success. The devastating event of losing her beloved family member in a fatal car crash and being placed in an orphanage at such a young age left a lasting imprint on Elizabeth's life. The once outgoing and carefree girl, now...

Ход королевы (1 сезон) смотреть онлайн

1 сезон

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